Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Autumn, a time for change
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11:06 AM
Labels: arthritis, Autumn, Complementary Alternative Medicine, Costume Party, Costumes, Dog costume, Fall, Halloween, Hip Dysplasia, Prolotherapy, RYAH Yoga, Yoga Schelter, Yoga Teacher Training
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Blue Hill Fair
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6:47 PM
Labels: Blue Hill Fair, Bologna Burgers, Carnival food, Charlotte's Web, thai food
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ciao bella!
Our trip has come to an end and we are on the road again tomorrow morning. I really didn't expect to get so attached to Maine or the people like I did. I included some photos of the guest cottage that we have been so fortunate to stay in. This place is incredibly wonderful! I see us coming back again someday. I feel like the Bianco family have become family to us, and I will never forget them. I think I may have even asked if they wanted to adopt me. :) My heart is full and I feel so blessed to have been able to visit this beautiful place. We stopped by their house tonight to say goodbye and shared our last glass of wine with each other...for now. They gave us a nice bottle of french wine and some homemade blueberry jam that Mrs. Bianco made this summer. I made Mrs. Bianco (Diane) promise that she'd send me a signed copy of her cookbook that will be released later in the fall if not, early winter. We traded hugs and swore to keep in touch. They will definitely be on my Christmas card list for years to come. :)
I am now ready to head back to Philly feeling fulfilled and ready to go about my routine and everyday life.
Ciao, Bianco's and grazie mille! xoxo
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8:08 AM
Labels: blueberry jam, Brooklin, Maine, road trip
Thursday, September 10, 2009
She's a Maine-iac...
Allan and I are in Brooklin, ME right now on vacation. Well, not really vacation. Allan is here for work, attending the Wooden Boat School (a school where they build, yep you guessed it--wooden boats), and I am just living the life of leisure along with our two dogs. :) Not bad. We only have a couple of days left, and it makes me sad.
We took a 2 day roadtrip to get here from Philly and it was a blast! I must say, Allan and I are wonderful travel partners. He puts up with my obnoxious, "Ooh, I LOOOOVE this song!", and my, "OOH! What's that???"'d think I had never been anywhere before. Then when you top it all off with my obnoxious singing voice, wow. I'm lucky to still have Allan in my life.
We have a perfect snacking pattern in the car. First, we enjoy something salty like, Chex Mix. Then we move to sweet, my favorite being Fiddle Faddle. Later we will end it all with a nice handful of sunflower seeds to spit in plastic cups while talking about our dreams and options of where we could live next. Our little salty-sweet rotation. Its a routine, we love it, and we do it well. No one said it was healthy. ;)
While driving up to Maine we went through Vermont. Now that's a place that I could live. It was GORGEOUS! Burlington, Vermont to be exact. It reminded me of an Austin, TX in the mountains. Its a college, bohemian-artsy town with a lot of character, great shopping, and cool pubs. I wish we could have visited there longer instead of just driving through and staying one night. From what I could tell, I'd definitely move there. I NEVER thought I'd say that. Honestly, I never even gave Vermont a wasn't in my radar. Now I know.
Although, I do think the winter's would be way too harsh for me. I like the warm tropical climates. Scarves and boots are nice, but the novelty wears off quick.
While in Vermont, we stopped at a cute, old General Store so that I could get some maple syrup--because that's what you do in Vermont. I don't even really eat pancakes or could even tell you the last time that I've made them, but I did watch a Martha Stewart episode where they tapped syrup from maple trees and was pretty amazed. This image stuck in my head, hence why it was a mission of mine to find 100% pure Vermont Maple Syrup! So we did. I hope it's good, the stuff isn't cheap. I see french toast in my future. :)
Once we got to Maine, we settled in our beautiful, oceanfront guest cottage and immediately felt right at home. Ahh...the fresh air and cool breezes...
Since we've been here we have partied with the owners of the guest house, The Bianco's, a family that distributes meat and Italian sausage products to all of the local restaurants...possibly mafia related??? haha! Who knows, and who cares--they are great! Laughter and Limoncello, a great combo. We also went rowing along the Maine coastline (Um, well, kinda. poor Allan--long story), went to The Blue Hill Fair (the one that inspired the book Charlotte's Web), did some hiking, biking, shopping, sampled lobster ice cream in Bar Harbor (Yes, ew. This is also something I saw on tv and HAD to at least try), and have seen some of the most amazing sights ever! I will be sad to leave, but have met some incredible people and will take this trip with me forever. I will always have a sweet spot in my heart for little ol' Brooklin, Maine, population: 722.
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8:16 AM
Labels: Blue Hill Fair, Lobster, Maine, Maple Syrup, Vermont, Wooden Boat School