My super-duper Vegetarian Chili (that didn't win, but should have) ;) It was really good but I doubt I could ever duplicate it since I never go by a recipe! Not smart, I know.

there were three large banquet tables full o' crock-pots (mine is the silver one on the end...I arrived early and still got a sucky spot!)

Eric loves chili! :)

Still reperesentin' the Dallas Cowboys!

Two half Thai Mischelle's (she's a no s'er)!

Houston Texans in da house! (sorry Brady boy)

Looks gross, but I swear it was divine...ask the Navy guys who never knew there wasn't meat in it! ;) Muahhahhhahaaaa! They were shocked and appalled when I told them! In the end, there was no chili left. I made a full crock pot and not a single bean left for me. I guess that was a good sign! Yay, for being Texan and being able to improvise!
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