This is a picture I took from Fall of last year.
The cool weather is here, and I'm loving it! The windows are open, the crisp air is coming in, and I'm freshening up the blankets. The leaves are beginning to change, and I feel like its a metaphor for my life--a little bit of revamping, change, and new things to come. This Fall is a very exciting and hopeful one for me.
Here are somethings that I'm expecting to happen this Fall:
- My Mom is coming up to celebrate her 60th birthday along with my two older twin Brothers. They haven't been up here yet, so I am thrilled to have my family here--I can't wait! :)
- I am starting another yoga teacher training. This time, here in Philadelphia with Yoga Schelter and RYAH yoga. It should be a very challenging yet rewarding journey. I can't wait to challenge myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. I'm sure I will be blogging all about it!
- I am having prolotherapy done on my hip (next week!). Its an alternative orthopedic procedure to non-surgically reconstruct joints, ligaments, and tendons weakened by trauma or arthritis (for those who don't know, I have a bad hip--born with congenital hip dysplasia, had several surgeries as a child, which has caused me to now have arthritis). This procedure makes me extremely nervous because it looks incredibly painful (think flavor injecting a turkey with a big ass needle)! It looks awful, but it is about time I do something about all of the pain that I have on a daily basis. Pray that it works! Apparently my other alternative is a hip replacement--no bueno. :(
- Our dear friend Danny is coming to visit on Halloween weekend from Florida! He has been to Puerto Rico to visit us a couple of times, but hasn't been to Philly yet. Its always a fun time when Danny is around. He is one of Allan's best friends and like another brother to me.
- Apparently, I am in charge of making Allan and Danny's Halloween costumes this year. God help me. Lol!
- We are having a Halloween cocktail/costume party at our place this year. I've realized that I really don't entertain as much as I'd like to and I just looove to dress up, so...why not?
- I am also making our dog's halloween costumes for the annual doggy halloween costume contest in my apt building. Yep, busting out the sewing machine and all. They will be winners for sure. I have some ideas and will tell you what ALL the boys will be later. ;)
- I just started a new semester of school for my CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) degree. I still LOVE it, and it is going very well. I will be a student forever it seems.
- I am doing a major overhaul of organizing and cleaning our apartment. One bedroom down, two more to go, plus two bathrooms...oh, and the kitchen! We have collected too many things move after move and some of it will just have to go to Goodwill or donated elsewhere. I don't even want to think about all of the stuff that is in our storage facility...good lawd!
Hmmm...Well, thats all I can think of right now. Hahha! If anyone has any good ideas for halloween costumes (pet or human), party recipes, or decorations, leave me a comment! :)